Course Description
Welcome to our course on stone setting 3D modeling technique - an essential knowledge and skill that every jewelry CAD designer must possess. Whether you are a new jewelry designer or an experienced bench jeweler, this course is designed to meet your learning needs and provide you with the most in-demand techniques.
Our course includes 50+ videos spread across 12 chapters, where we use Rhino 3D software to teach you how to design and use 3D modeling techniques for different stones in jewelry design. You will also gain insights into design guidelines and the process of 3D printing and production.
This course teaches you the concept of jewelry stone setting and various stone modeling techniques for different shapes. You will also learn how to create models for the bezel set, prong set, bead set, pave set, channel set, flush set, halo set, and cluster set. These skills will help you design and 3D model your jewelry accurately, significantly reducing your production costs in both materials and labor.
Completing this course will set you apart from professional and amateur jewelry designers. We encourage you to check out our detailed course content below and enroll today to take the first step toward enhancing your jewelry CAD design skills.
Please note that this course is designed for Jewelry CAD designers and requires some basic knowledge of Rhino 3D.
All students must have a computer with Rhino installed before class. The Rhino trial version can be downloaded for free at for 90 days. The Window system and three-button mouse is preferred.
For more hardware requirements please check at
If you prefer to use Mac, please check out Rhino for Mac information at
(This course has both English and Mandarin subtitles.)
Course curriculum
Rhino 3D download and Exercise folder
Download files in Exercise Folder
Rhino File Version Converter: Convert Files Across Rhino Versions with Convert App
2.1 Diamond Anatomy
2.2 Measuring a Stone
2.3 Stone Setting Concept and Process
2.4 How the Cabochon Stone Is Set In Bezel
3.0 How to Model Stones Introduction
3.1 How To 3D Model A Round Faceted Stone
3.2 How To 3D Model A Pear Shape Faceted Stone
3.3 How to 3D Model An Emerald Cut Stone
3.4 How To 3D Model A Regular Shape Cabochon Stone
3.5 How To 3D Model An Irregular Shape Cabochon Stone
3.6 How To Change The Stone Size
4.1 The Gem Cutter
4.2 The Pilot Hole
NEW!! 4.3 How to Model Gem Cutter
5.1 Bezel Setting Concept
5.2 3D Model For Different Cabochon Stone Profiles
5.3 Building Bezel Set Model For Round Shape Stone
5.4 Building Bezel Set Model for Oval Shape Stone
5.5 Building Bezel Set Model For Square Shape Stone
5.6 Building Bezel Set Model For Irregular Shape Stone
5.7 Different Bezel Thickness For The Pendant and Ring
5.8 Custom Bezel
5.9 Creating Pocket
5.10 Creating Thick Bezel
6.1 Building Bezel Set Model For Princess Cut Stone
6.2 Building Bezel Set Model For Emerald Cut Stone
6.3 Building Bezel Set Model For Marquise Stone
6.4 Building Bezel Set Model For Trillion Cut Stones
6.5 Multiple Bezel Set Placement
About this course
- $495.00
- 66 lessons
- 4.5 hours of video content
Rhino 6 Stone Setting 3d modeling
Earl Gulley
Excellent for non jewelers. I have been a jewelry designer/ manufacture/stone and diamond setter/Custom jewelry via wax carving and mold making jewelry/and in jewelry repair for 55 years. The understanding of all of the above is paramount for ...
Read MoreExcellent for non jewelers. I have been a jewelry designer/ manufacture/stone and diamond setter/Custom jewelry via wax carving and mold making jewelry/and in jewelry repair for 55 years. The understanding of all of the above is paramount for a successful designer. The overview of this is an excellent starting point.
Read Lessyousef - 3d jewelry designer
yousef mansour
هذا الكورس كتير ملائم لكل شخص يريد انت يتعلم بطريقه مريحه وجيده. لان المعلمه تتكلم بتطريقه مفهومه وتشرح تفاصيل كل تحرك تقوم به, وهي ايضا تساعد اذا احتاجت الى مساعده, يمكنك ارسال اليها وهي تساعدك بكل لطف. انا انصح بشده كل شخص يريد ان يتعلم كيفيه ...
Read Moreهذا الكورس كتير ملائم لكل شخص يريد انت يتعلم بطريقه مريحه وجيده. لان المعلمه تتكلم بتطريقه مفهومه وتشرح تفاصيل كل تحرك تقوم به, وهي ايضا تساعد اذا احتاجت الى مساعده, يمكنك ارسال اليها وهي تساعدك بكل لطف. انا انصح بشده كل شخص يريد ان يتعلم كيفيه بناء مجوهرات مع احجار كريمه ان يأخذ هذا الكورس لانه الوحيد الذي يعلم من الاساس والى ادق التفاصيل, هي تتطرق الى المقاييس التي يجب ان تكون بالخاتم مثلا لبناء بيت الحجر ةالاسنان التي تمسك الحجر وهذا الشيء لن تجدوه في اي فيديو اخر على صفحات الانترنت. انا تعلم منه والان ابني واصمم مجوهرات مع احجار كريمه بكل سهوله واستعين دائما بهذا الكورس. הקורס הזה הוא הכי טוב למי שרוצה ללמוד עיצוב תכשיטים עם שיבוץ יהלומים. אני ממליץ את הקור הזה בחום כי הוא מלמד אותכם את צורות השיבוץ השונות ואיך לבנות את השיניים עם המידות שקדאי לסים לשיניים ולביתי האבן וגם לכל חלקי התכשיט. וגן המורה ביג'י היא מאוד נחמדה מלמדת בצורה ברורה מאוד ובסיסית שכל אחד יכול להבין את הנושה וגם היא מוכנה לעמוע על כל שאלה ולעזור לכם. אני למדתי את הקורס הזה וממליץ אותו בחום עןד פעם כי עכשיו אני מעצב תכשיטים עם אבנים לשיבוץ.
Read LessExtremely satisfied with this course!
John singh
I highly recommend this stone setting course you will learn everything about stone settings .easy and simple really good in depth explanation. My skill is boost to the max !
I highly recommend this stone setting course you will learn everything about stone settings .easy and simple really good in depth explanation. My skill is boost to the max !
Read LessFun and Informative Course
Mel Vongpunsawad
I came to finding PJ's instructional courses through her YouTube tutorials, which I found easy to follow and extremely beneficial to my career. I had graduated from Michigan State University with an Apparel and Textile Design degree which I then t...
Read MoreI came to finding PJ's instructional courses through her YouTube tutorials, which I found easy to follow and extremely beneficial to my career. I had graduated from Michigan State University with an Apparel and Textile Design degree which I then took with me to Los Angeles. I worked in Jewelry Product Development and Design for several years. Our company would typically hire freelance CAD designers to communicate our designs into 3 dimensional files. I wanted to bridge this gap and add this skill set to my knowledge of the jewelry industry. I have found PJ's courses extremely informative and fun! This Stone Setting 3D Modeling course has been essential to learning Rhino Software for jewelry design. It has provided me with a deeper understanding of jewelry construction and how to accurately and effectively design in Rhino. Learning Rhino software through PJ's courses has been the "jewel" of my jewelry industry knowledge.
Read Less讓你從新手變老手的Rhino 珠寶建模鑲嵌專業課程
Joy Tsai
很感動看到PJ老師將其在金工,珠寶設計,不同寶石鑲嵌技法及3D 建模領域多年的經驗,毫不藏私的在本課程中有系統地呈現,讓有心學習Rhino 結合珠寶設計的學生,能少走許多冤枉路。PJ 老師的教學循序漸進,深入淺出,能用很簡單易懂方式及清楚的步驟,講解複雜的3D建模流程。課程包含各種造型蛋面/刻面寶石畫法及完整鑲嵌技法教學。更貼心提醒搭配不同的設計,在鑲嵌畫法細節上的變化及實務上應注意的重點,不會讓你的設計天馬行空,最後無法製作。如果你希望能縮短Rhino 珠寶設計學習歷程,你需要的是一套好...
Read More很感動看到PJ老師將其在金工,珠寶設計,不同寶石鑲嵌技法及3D 建模領域多年的經驗,毫不藏私的在本課程中有系統地呈現,讓有心學習Rhino 結合珠寶設計的學生,能少走許多冤枉路。PJ 老師的教學循序漸進,深入淺出,能用很簡單易懂方式及清楚的步驟,講解複雜的3D建模流程。課程包含各種造型蛋面/刻面寶石畫法及完整鑲嵌技法教學。更貼心提醒搭配不同的設計,在鑲嵌畫法細節上的變化及實務上應注意的重點,不會讓你的設計天馬行空,最後無法製作。如果你希望能縮短Rhino 珠寶設計學習歷程,你需要的是一套好的課程及一位好的導師。PJ 老師對於同學的疑問,總能細心的解答,是難得一見有教學熱情,又極富耐心的好老師。本課程即使非科班出身,也能輕鬆上手,是絕對不能錯過的好課程。This course is highly recommended! You don’t want to miss it!
Read Less★★★大推薦★★★這是一套非常值得購買的3D珠寶建模聖經👍👍👍
我是一位珠寶設計系畢業的學生,在學時曾上過幾位不同老師所開設的3D珠寶課程, 雖能按照步驟達成老師教授的範例,卻往往在實際的運用上與自我發想設計時,面臨無法實際體現的瓶頸與挫折。 很幸運的在當時報名了PJ老師暑期回台開設的初級與進階3D珠寶繪圖的課程,突然像被點開穴道一般,讓我在轉換建構的能力有極大的提升。 有別於一班教授軟體的老師,PJ老師對於實體的珠寶與飾品的製作觀念具有相當專業的能力,並將這些經驗套入3D繪圖軟體的製作中,邏輯清楚易於理解。 不會有跟著步驟作卻不知道自己在...
Read More我是一位珠寶設計系畢業的學生,在學時曾上過幾位不同老師所開設的3D珠寶課程, 雖能按照步驟達成老師教授的範例,卻往往在實際的運用上與自我發想設計時,面臨無法實際體現的瓶頸與挫折。 很幸運的在當時報名了PJ老師暑期回台開設的初級與進階3D珠寶繪圖的課程,突然像被點開穴道一般,讓我在轉換建構的能力有極大的提升。 有別於一班教授軟體的老師,PJ老師對於實體的珠寶與飾品的製作觀念具有相當專業的能力,並將這些經驗套入3D繪圖軟體的製作中,邏輯清楚易於理解。 不會有跟著步驟作卻不知道自己在做什麼的茫然感,每個指令會使用的原因都會充分讓學員理解,讓我們在使用上不是只有模仿,而是更加靈活不設限。 很開心PJ老師最近推出了線上的寶石製作與鑲嵌課程,身為粉絲早已迫不及待趕在早鳥優惠時體驗💗💗💗 這是一套很棒的珠寶繪圖寶典指南,身為珠寶設計的學生或是設計師,可以當成聖經一般拜讀收藏!!! 👍【寶石實作示範】 寶石的基本介紹,從零到有的建構屬於自己的寶石模型。 👍【各種寶石鑲嵌教學】 常見的多種切割寶石與不規則型寶石如何鑲嵌的製作教學。 👍【多種鑲嵌方式製作】 包鑲、爪鑲、密釘鑲、歐洲鑲或是設計具個人特色的鑲邊製作等完整的操作步驟。 👍【操作指令提醒功能】 示範時畫面會標註當下使用的指令名稱,並針對其教學重點逐項說明,觀念清楚易於理解。 👍【全中文字幕翻譯】 影片與介面為英文教授並附上全中文字幕翻譯,排除一般語音課程僅有聲音無法辨別語意的問題,讓學習更無障礙。 👍【快速成型的指令介紹】 針對環狀、有機型態、曲面、或是特殊造型等配置寶石的教學。 👍【寶石測量與配置】 針對虛擬軟體建構與實體物件之間的轉換、測量與修正介紹,減少製成發生的失誤。 👍【實際珠寶製作案例】 多款珠寶繪圖實際案例,讓繪製美麗的珠寶首飾不再困難。
Read Lessyour courses will be very useful in my job applications
Adem Erdoğmuş
Jewelery is a very useful lesson with the knowledge of production required for design.
Jewelery is a very useful lesson with the knowledge of production required for design.
Read LessHighly Recommend
Joanne Simmons
Everything is explained in an easy way to understand. The course is structured in a way that that as you gain knowledge, you are able to move on to the next setting with ease.
Everything is explained in an easy way to understand. The course is structured in a way that that as you gain knowledge, you are able to move on to the next setting with ease.
Read LessWelcome and Introduction!
Michael Cassimatis
A comprehensive explanation of the course aims and content
A comprehensive explanation of the course aims and content
Read LessA review from a jewelry freelance designer
shuyu wu
This is absolutely a comprehensive tutorial of jewelry stone setting modeling course. It really helps me to get more jobs confidently as a jewelry freelance designer. The course is well organized and easy to follow. I especially like the demonst...
Read MoreThis is absolutely a comprehensive tutorial of jewelry stone setting modeling course. It really helps me to get more jobs confidently as a jewelry freelance designer. The course is well organized and easy to follow. I especially like the demonstration of the stone setting process in reality, which helps me understand the rationale behind the modeling. PJ is an experienced designer and educator. I have learned a lot from her.
Read LessFAQ
Do I need to have basic knowledge of Rhino before taking this course?
Yes, a basic understanding of Rhino is required for this course, as it focuses specifically on stone setting CAD design rather than basic Rhino 3D techniques. If you are new to jewelry CAD design, we recommend starting with our Jewelry CAD Masterclass, which covers the foundational skills you'll need.
Is the Rhino 3D software included with the course?
No, the Rhino 3D software is not included. However, you can sign up for a 90-day free trial at
How long will I have access the course?
This is a lifetime membership course, meaning you will have unlimited access to all the course materials, which are pre-recorded and available at your convenience. You can learn at your own pace.
Can I download the course to watch offline?
Currently, we do not offer offline downloads through the platform. However, you can access the course anytime as long as you have an internet connection.
What if I need additional tutoring for my own Rhino CAD design?
You can certainly request private tutoring for your specific design needs. Simply send us your design and the 3DM file, and we will provide you with a customized estimate and schedule. Tutoring sessions are available for an additional fee, tailored to your individual project.
Do you offer subtitles in languages other than English?
At this time, we offer subtitles in English only. However, you can use the "Live Caption" feature in Chrome to generate subtitles in your preferred language. For more information on how to enable this feature, please visit: Chrome Live Caption Support.
Will I receive a certificate upon completing the course?
Yes, upon completing the course, you will receive a certificate of completion, which you can use to showcase your skills and accomplishments.
Do you offer a payment plan for the course?
Yes, we offer flexible payment plans to help make the course more affordable. You can choose between a 12-month, 18-month or interest-free payment options. This allows you to spread the cost over time while enjoying full access to the course and its materials right away. You can see the available payment plan options on the checkout page.